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The glue lap with stones separated Hai reconnect the power. But,nike outlet, electricity can not control, just a moment matrix method to charge the four groups will, of course, failed. But the real dollars flowing layers, of course, is subject to the control of Hai spiritual knowledge, but can not be controlled electrically, Wang did not control the guts to try electricity. Make a complete storage ring, can be divided into three steps : open space, space and is connected to the control room to add. The first step, you need to open the first set of the matrix method, while the second step requires the matrix method to open the first three groups, the third step requires a separate matrix method to open the fourth set.

Somehow,nike sale, Wang had to declare - Failed ! Plus switch matrix method destroys the structure of the matrix method has not constitute merely a scattered group of metal wire. Finally, Wang had to overlay matrix method. According to this rule will be exactly the matrix method is divided into three layers, the first layer of a matrix method, the second layer of the three groups, a third layer of a group. Busy for a long time, Wang has once again arranged a success. The matrix method is more complicated, Wang look confused. Next to each successive six batteries, this time not prepared to open up much space, just to test whether the power switch to be successful.

I saw a pale blue channel the energy flow through the wire,nike free 2, the gray ball of a one centimeter in size 30 cm above the glass. This...... Wang surprise, this space actually show up directly on the outside ! Feel with spiritual knowledge is indeed a small space. Wang moment of ecstasy, fake ray bans in any case, really successful, as long as open space, the next is simple. Long wait for space to three centimeters in diameter, the battery began to alarm, lack of power. Wang instantaneous total power switch of the second set, and immediately start the second layer three matrix method, Wang This opened the first layer switches.

